
Donald Lea has a message for you. It's a message of faith and rejuvenation that will light the fire inside you and help you reach places that you haven't before. Now is the time to come out of brokenness to find your purpose, and be the person who you are destined to become. Learn more about DLea Ministries and how God's word will inspire HOPE, POWER, and TRUTH in your life!

Our Mission:
To uplift and give hope to those who feel like they have no hope.

About DLea Ministries

DLea Ministries, a 501c3 nonprofit organization, was founded in 2011 by Donald S. Lea. The ministry was relaunched in 2022 in the wake of COVID, and in the midst of fragile yet tense social and political landscapes. The purpose of DLea Ministries is to spread hope and share a message of empowerment to those who need it. DLea Ministries serves the community by fulfilling the needs of individuals in various capacities and uplifting them. Outreach through one-on-one coaching, keynote speeches, training sessions, mentorship, and other groups allows individuals to grow and find their purpose. By connecting biblical principles and teachings with real-life growth techniques, mentees can take responsibility for past mistakes to find victory in Jesus Christ!

Join Donald Lea and DLea Ministries to receive God's message of HOPE, POWER, and TRUTH!

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.

Philippians 2:3-5 (NIV)

DLea Speaking from the pulpit!

"I was tired of seeing people continually going through life making excuses and not fulfilling their purpose on earth. I wanted to be a person of action to motivate people that anything is possible if you only believe and operate in faith!"

Meet Donald Lea

Are you ready to hear stories about redemption and perseverance? DLea Ministries is available to inspire and share God's message at your function!

Contact Donald Now!